Liebe Trucksim Fans und Leser,
zuerst muss ich mal sagen, das ich dieses Forum sehr toll find. Es gibt gute Modder, Skinner und Map Bauer, und viele schone, nette Leute. Deshalb habe ich entschieden, um hier mein Map Projekt zu platzen.
Ich werde uberrascht wenn ich sah, das es mehrere Wegen gibt, um Maps zu bauen. Zuerst dachte ich, das man nur mit den Modelle aus ETS bauen konnte. Danach fand ich den Weg, um selbst Modelle zu bauen und hinzufugen im Editor. Und jetzt, das schonste von allen, ein ganz neue Methode um Europa bis im Detail zu bauen. Diese Technik braucht aber viel Zeit und Geduld, aber das Resultat ist immer schon!
Ich sage nicht das ich alles uber den Map Editor weisse, oder das ich den beste bin. Jede man wer Maps bauen kann, ist gut! Behalte diese Satz immer, dann kann niemand sagen, das dein Maps nicht schon sein oder nicht realistisch. Jede Map Bauer, Einsteiger oder Profi, respektiere ich.
Am letzten woll ich noch Informationen uber die Map geben. Es handelt sich um ein ganz neue Map fur ETS mit sehr realistische nachbau von Europa. Ich bin heute angefangen im Tsjechien, mit ein OMV Tankstelle.
Noch etwas wichtigs: Wie bei den Creative Map bitte
KEIN Nachrichte platzen, dann soll das Topic uebersichtlich bleiben.
Naturlich kann man immer Bedanken.
Dear Truck simulator fan and reader,
The first thing I want to say, is that I find this forum really great. There are good modders, skinners and map builders, and they are very nice and have a good attitude. Therefore I decided to show my map project at this forum, and here alone.
I was surprised when I came to know that there are many ways to build maps for ETS. First I thought you only could build maps with the standard models from ETS, then I learned how to add models, and finally learned myself different ways on building maps. You need to be very creative though to think of such things, because it was not an easy task for me to do. But not only the thinking and trying is time demanding. Building the map also takes its time and patience, but on the other hand you get beautiful results!
I am not telling you right now that I know everything about map building and the Map Editor, or that I am the best Map builder that ever lived. That's up to you guys to decide. I have respect for everyone's map editor work, it is still a time demanding and sometimes difficult task. Remember this rule always:
You need to have fun in what you do and not feel obliged to others. That is what you can tell someone when they are saying bad things about your map. Who can take away the fun of building a map, even if the result isn't as realistic as everyone wants?
Of course I want to give some info about the map; it is a completely new map for ETS with a very realistic image of Europe, which makes you remember when you are on the road: 'I was there too in ETS!'. I hope I can give you this feeling guys when you see the pictures, since I am not sure I will release the map for some reasons.
Other important stuff: Just like the topic of the Creative Map by Schiene, please post no comments. This is to keep the topic clear and that I have enough space for upcoming screenshots. You can always use the Bedankomat, I appreciate that.
Anyway, I talked enough for now. I hope you like the screens and what I am building.